SAFTU to celebrate May Day in Durban

26th April 2017

The new South African Federation of Trade Unions will be celebrating May Day, the traditional day when workers all over the world take to the streets to recommit themselves to the struggle against exploitation by a capitalist system which condemns the workers whose labour creates the world’s wealth to a life of poverty, hunger and indignity, while their rich exploiters get richer.

We shall also be celebrating the 30th anniversary of our affiliate NUMSA, which was launched in 1987. Speakers will be Zwelinzima Vavi, General Secretary of SAFTU, Irvin Jim, General Secretary of NUMSA and leaders of other SAFTU affiliated unions.

The details are:

Date: Monday 1 May 2017
Time: 09h00
Route: Assemble at Curries Fountain and march via Pixley ka Seme (formerly West) Street to Durban City Hall

Patrick Craven
SAFTU Acting Spokesperson: 061 636 6057