SAFTU: Statement by the SA Federation of Trade Unions on the national crisis

4th April 2017

SAFTU: Statement by the SA Federation of Trade Unions on the national crisis

South African President Jacob Zuma

The down-grading of South Africa to ‘junk’ status by ratings agency Standard & Poors has turned what was already a major national crisis into a potential catastrophe. The South African Federation Trade Unions (SAFTU) condemns credit ratings agencies which act of policemen for international monopoly capitalism and deplore the way they blackmail countries into adopting their preferred policies.

Their decision in this was however facilitated by Jacob Zuma’s reckless sacking of ministers, which gave them a perfect excuse to act. We are another big step nearer to a descent into a failed kleptocratic state. It is now more vital then ever to mobilize the biggest ever protest movement to rescue millions of South Africans from the increased unemployment and poverty which will inevitably follow this downgrade.

SAFTU has therefore resolved to step up its campaign with a four-part strategy:

1. Legal
After taking legal advice, SAFTU has resolved to take action in the high court to argue that Zuma’s conduct is not in compliance with the constitution and has been irrational. The main reason for filing a court challenge is that Zuma has once acted against the interests of the country in direct contradiction with his oath in which he swears to act in the best interest of the country.

“In the presence of those assembled here and in full realisation of the high calling I assume as President/Acting President in the service of the Republic of South Africa I do hereby swear/solemnly affirm to be faithful to the Republic of South Africa, and do solemnly and sincerely promise at all times to promote that which will advance and to oppose all that may harm the Republic; to obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution and all other Law of the Republic; to discharge my duties with all my strength and talents to the best of my knowledge and ability and true to the dictates of my conscience; to do justice to all; and to devote myself to the well-being of the Republic and all its people.”

The evidence will include statement by ANC leaders themselves, and now the ANC Integrity Commission, which have condemned the lack of consultation within the ANC and the use of a blatantly bogus ‘intelligence report’ to justify his actions.

This case will provide a platform for a thorough examination of Zuma’s role and provide even more justification for his removal. We are appealing for support from all those who agree with us to join this action. [PG & MJ?]

2. Mass mobilisation

SAFTU will continue to campaign alongside civil society, communities, religious groups and other workers’ organizations, which has already led to successful demonstrations outside the Ministry of Finance and elsewhere and we shall endeavor to make it an even broader and stronger campaign.

We shall however steadfastly stick to SAFTU’s principle that it is independent, though not apolitical. This is not a sectarian campaign for or against any faction or individual. We shall continue to highlight that the underlying reason for the crisis is the continuation of the monopoly capitalist system and the ANC government’s consistent policy of reinforcing it through neoliberal policies like GEAR which have led to the high levels of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

The workers’ movement must not stop criticising all those responsible for the crisis, in the ANC, successive cabinets, including its Finance Ministers, big business, SOE executives as well as all those who have benefitted from the burgeoning scourge of corruption and looting. This is not confined just to Zuma and the Gupta family, but to all those politicians who have accepted bribes and the companies that have paid them. They must all be held to account.

This will guide us in any engagement with political parties who will be getting involved in the mass campaign. Any involvement by SAFTU must be based on the principle of our political independence and our demands and slogans will reflect the class interests of workers and the poor. We shall never become cheer leaders for parties with whom we have serious differences.

3. Crisis Committee

A proposal is on the table for the formation of a National Crisis Committee, to co-ordinate more effectively the ongoing campaign. SAFTU supports this proposal but subject to the same principle of independence outlined above. The working class must not be just an appendage to any such committee but a leading component of it. Workers and the poor are always the main victims of corruption and capitalism and we will insist that the Crisis Committee must take up workers’ issues.

4. General strike

Trade unions have always understood that you can never win at the negotiating table what you have not won on the streets. The same applies to national campaigns like the present one. However successful civil society campaigns are, the decisive role has to be played by the workers because of their key position in the economy as the creators of wealth.

SAFTU has therefore resolved to make a submission under Section 77 of the Labour Relations Act for a protected general strike on socio-economic issues. It will be based on the devastating effect the Cabinet reshuffle and the down-grading to junk status will have on workers’ jobs and living standards.


Issued by SAFTU