SADTU EC: SADTU Eastern Cape supports POPCRU march

30th June 2016

SADTU EC: SADTU Eastern Cape supports POPCRU march

SADTU Eastern Cape wishes to support POPCRU Eastern Cape for its march which takes place today (30 June 2016). We are convinced POPCRU’s concerns are relevant to all Public Sector Unions because the issues that are raising affect all public servants.
We cannot allow the situation where the State is allowed not to pay workers what was due to them including over time since 2009.

The full implementation of all concluded agreements can never be over emphasized.
As SADTU Eastern Cape, we are fully behind the marches of POPCRU. We are calling upon all members of SADTU to join POPCRU’s march in East London today. The finalization of salary upgrades must be done as soon as possible. Saving by the State by not filling all vacancies can never be acceptable; not at the expense of our members hence our undivided support.


Issued by SADTU Eastern Cape