SA: SA business delegation arrives in Germany

7th February 2018

SA: SA business delegation arrives in Germany

A South African delegation comprising of twenty-five businesspeople has arrived in Berlin, Germany for the Fruit Logistica Berlin Trade Fair that will be taking place from today until 9 February 2018.

The trade fair covers every sector of the international fruit and vegetable supply chain from production, distribution and marketing, through to the point of sale, including global players as well as small and medium-sized suppliers from all around the world.

According to the Director of Export Promotion at the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), Mr Luke Govender, the fair in Germany presents an enormous opportunity for the South African fresh produce companies in that it has a number of competitive advantages.

“South Africa’s exports to the European Union in general, and Germany in particular, are growing and the composition of these exports is becoming more diverse in alignment with the dti’s Market and Product Diversification Strategy. In fact, this is the first occasion, that South Africa at Fruit Logistica has introduced its vegetable product range as part of that diversification process,” says Govender.

“The three days of the show will reflect our collective interest not only to maintain and sustain the European market but also to position South Africa for the potential growth in the market,” adds Govender.

The programme for South African companies at the fair will include exhibitions, face-to-face meetings with existing and potential clients, and seminars.


Issued by Department of Trade and Industry