SA: Dipuo Peters: Address by the Minister of Transport, at the Launch of the 2014 Easter Arrive Alive Road Safety Campaign, on the 10th April 2014 in Kimberley, Northern Cape (10/04/2014)

10th April 2014

SA: Dipuo Peters: Address by the Minister of Transport, at the Launch of the 2014 Easter Arrive Alive Road Safety Campaign, on the 10th April 2014 in Kimberley, Northern Cape (10/04/2014)

Programme Director,
Honourable MECs,
Chief Executive Officers of Transport Entities,
Esteemed Leaders of Faith Communities,
Leaders in our Community,
High Ranking Government Officials,
Our Media Fraternity,
Distinguished Guests, and
Ladies and Gentlemen.
In a highly religious society such as our South African society, the observance of religious holidays carries with it, a deep sense for reflection and fulfillment. Easter period is sacrosanct to the overwhelming Christian faithful in our country. In their uncontested belief that Christ died so that humanity could be saved, the irony that comes with the spilling of blood and loss of life on the roads negates the joy that must accrue from the sacrifice that the Saviour made for humanity.
Ladies and gentlemen;

The launch of our Easter Road Safety campaign today resonates with the teachings bequeathed to us by our faith in Christ and the values underwritten by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa; with the two interchangeably enjoining us to:
¨    Love thy neighbour and do unto others as you’d them do unto you,

¨    Respect others’ right to life and uphold their right to dignity,

¨     Accord each human being the respect that comes with the knowledge that each and every one of us deserves humane and equal treatment.

These and other values similar to them are at the apex of the development of a common understanding and the spreading of common messages about road safety.
Friends and Compatriots;
This launch, in the Holy month of April, also happens against the backdrop of a few memorable moments in the history of our country;
¨    The brutal slaying of our struggle icon, Martin Thembisile “Chris” Hani happened on this day 21 years ago.

¨    The senseless execution of our young matyr, Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu happened in this month 35 years ago.

¨    The sad passing away of our struggle giant, Oliver Reginald Tambo, happened in this month 21 years ago.

Each year this time of the year, we witness huge Christian pilgrimages travelling on our roads to various places of worship. Each year this time of the year, we travel and / or witness increased numbers of families and tourists travelling on our roads to various destinations. Sadly, it is this time each year that our roads become pitfalls of tragic loss of human life. Simply because our attitude and conduct, assume an antithetical pose to our Christian and other religious teachings, and the values enshrined in our Constitution.
When we take to the roads in un-roadworthy vehicles, it is sign of disrespect to others’ lives and our own, and so it is also when we fail to buckle up or fail to use child-restraints while driving.
When we overtake at clearly marked barrier lines and other prohibiting road signals, that is a gross disregard for the law of the country and its citizens who may die as a result of your recklessness and negligence, and so it is when we drive at high speed in total disregard to legal speed limit.
When we take alcohol before we embark on a car journey or while in command of a motor vehicle, then we run the risk of fatal crashes and potential maiming of those we could come into contact with on the road, and so it is when we show impatience to other road users and insult them when they disapprove of our conduct.
When we display rage and abuse to other road users and our law enforcement officers, we strip them of their dignity and humanity.
Yet it is all of these and worse, that define our interactions with our fellow human beings and citizens during this period of the year. It is the same conduct that results in increased fatalities and injuries on our roads.
The United Nations 2011-2020 Decade of Action for Road Safety and the Department of Transport’s 365 Days of Road Safety programme aim to mitigate the negative conduct and tendencies that aggravate road carnage.
We are happy to have in our midst faith based stakeholders to support the road safety campaign. We call on them, in the spirit of common patriotism and equal partnership, to educate their congregants and urge them to be everyday road safety ambassadors. Whilst we wish them and their congregations, successful pilgrimages, we also remind them to check the road-worthiness of buses and other modes of transport they’ll be travelling in to their gatherings. We ask them to pray for all of us this Sunday, such that we are safe on our roads during our travels.
A clarion call is made to our bus companies and the taxi operators to go beyond the possible and ensure the safety of all South Africans travelling in their buses and taxis.
As government and specifically the Department of Transport, we have made repeated calls to all South Africans, non-South Africans and tourists within our borders, to work together to make our roads safer and save lives.
We pride ourselves for celebrating 20 years of delivering efficient, reliable and safe transport services.” In the course of time we made Enforcement, Education and Engineering our mantra.
In conclusion, the Department of Transport, and our agencies; the Road Traffic Management Agency, the Road Traffic Infringement Agency, the Road Accident Fund, the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency and the South African National Road Agency Limited, commit to work together and move South Africa forward.
A special word to our traffic law enforcement officers, our police and our emergency rescue services for their ever tireless effort in their respective competencies.
I thank you.