PAC invitation to Africa Day celebrations

21st May 2018

Pan Africanist Congrws of Azania (PAC) kindly invites you to its Africa Day celebrations which will be attended amongst others by Palestinian embassy and many others who are yet to confirm as well as the public.

The Africa Day will be held as thus;

Venue; Tembisa (Rabasotho hall), Ekurhuleni, Gauteng.
Date; 26th May 2018 (10h00), this Saturday.
Key speaker – PAC President N Moloto

We would be very glad to have your media house into our event to introspect ourselves as Africans as well as African Union (AU) if it serves interests of African people.
Comradely yours,
Kenneth Mokgatlhe
PAC National Spokesperson
078 9754 182
011 3313 414