NUM: NUM is worried about fatalities in the mining sector

2nd March 2017

NUM: NUM is worried about fatalities in the mining sector

Photo by: Duane

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is saddened and highly perturbed by the continued fatal accidents in the mines following another lost of lives at Power Construction site in Malmesbury N7 in Western Cape and Exxaro Matla Coal Mine in Mpumalanga.

The worker at the Power Construction site in Malmesbury N7 was killed by a machine while the Matla Coal worker was crushed between two heavy truck machines underground whilst pulling a drive belt.

"We are concern that these fatalities are increasing unnecessarily. There were 13 fatal accidents last year January to February 17, and this year we are already sitting at 18", says NUM Health and Safety Secretary Eric Gcilitshana.

Fall of ground and machinery continue to be major contributors to many of the fatal.

The union demands an immediate thorough investigation by both the Departments of Labour and Mineral Resources to establish the causes of these accidents and who were responsible, and strong disciplinary action against anyone found to have been negligent.

We call upon employers to put lives of workers first so that we can be able to achieve zero harm

The fact that there was no improvement on fatal accidents in the mining sector can only be interpreted as a sign of a lack of commitment towards zero harm by the mining sector.

The NUM sends condolences to the families, friends and fellow workers of both passed on workers. May their souls rest in peace.


Issued by NYM