NUM: NUM is deeply worried about retrenchments at Anglogold Ashanti

20th January 2017

NUM: NUM is deeply worried about retrenchments at Anglogold Ashanti

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) can confirm that it received Section 189 notice from Anglogold Ashanti to retrench 849 workers in all its operations in South Africa.

The NUM is extremely disappointed and perturbed that Anglogold Asanti is likely to retrench such a huge number of workers at the time when there is a high rate of unemployment in the country.

The NUM is going to meet with the company on Monday to seek avoidance measures. If no agreement is reached with the company on Monday we will resort to CCMA for facilitation.

We, therefore, call on Anglogold Ashanti to rethink its position to retrench. They must create opportunities for job creation rather maximising profits at the expense of the poor mineworkers who earn poverty wages.

The NUM will fight tooth and nail to make sure that its members are not retrenched cheaply. The NUM remain fearless, committed, dedicated and unshaken in fighting for the mineworkers. The NUM does not want to see mineworkers being retrenched.


Issued by NUM