NT: South Africa comes third in the 2015 Open Budget Index Survey

17th September 2015

NT: South Africa comes third in the 2015 Open Budget Index Survey

South Africa came in third, after New Zealand and Sweden, in the 2015 Open Budget Index (OBI) Survey, in recognition of the country’s commitment to a transparent budget process.
Over the years, South Africa has consistently entrenched its reputation as a global leader in budget transparency. This is evidenced in the expansive budget information that is published for public analysis and scrutiny, as well as in its performance in international budget surveys.
Past survey results have been used to identify gaps in budget transparency and informed measures and mechanisms adopted to address those gaps. The reforms implemented between 2010 and 2015 include, among others:

In 2010 South Africa obtained first place in the Open Budget Index Survey. The 2015 ranking of third out of the 102 countries that were surveyed reflected increased emphasis placed on budget participation.
In view of South Africa’s commitment to improving budget participation, the National Treasury is pursing the following measures:

South Africa remains committed to constantly improving the budget process in order to maintain its international reputation as a global leader in budget transparency. South Africa continually seeks to enhance the expansive information it provides to its citizens on how public resources are generated and used with the aim of improving budget participation.

The OBI survey provides a comprehensive review of South Africa’s budget process. Citizens are encouraged to use information published in budget documents for effective analysis and research.

Issued on behalf of National Treasury