North West: North West Legislature adopts Appropriation Adjustment bill 2015

24th November 2015

North West:  North West Legislature adopts Appropriation Adjustment bill 2015

On Tuesday, 24 November 2015, the North West Provincial Legislature adopted the Division of Revenue Amendment bill 2015 (DORA) and the North West Appropriation Adjustment bill 2015 during the last Sitting of the Legislature held at Tlokwe Local Municipality.

This came after the Legislature conducted public hearings throughout the four districts in the province, on Sunday, 22 November where the community had the opportunity to listen and make inputs on the proposed adjustments.

Members of the Legislature were in agreement and voted in favour of the Adjusted Appropriation Bill as presented by the MEC Wendy Nelson, the additional amounts are as follows:



Total Adjustment

Total Adjusted Appropriation


Office of the Premier

R65 256 000

R795 904 000


Provincial Legislature

R32 481 000

R305 500 000


Department of Health

R179 634 000

R9 083 705 000


Department of Arts, and Traditional Affairs

R25 518 000

R654 157 000


Department of Community Safety and Transport Management

R50 000 000

R1 881 742 000


Department of Economy and Enterprise Development

R55 000 000

R310 098 000



Reduced by R30m

R456 002 000


Department of Education and Sports Development

R187 538 000

R13, 619,859b


Department of Local Government and Human Settlements

R3 726 000

R2 519 750 000


Department of Tourism

No adjustment

R145 050 000


Public Works and Roads

R104 169 000

R2 670 543 000


Department of Social Development

R2 237 000

R1 336 349 000


Department of Rural, Environment and Agricultural Development

Reduced by R17 333 000

R1 103 988 000

The following allocations include donations made to various departments in assisting with outstanding projects set in the previous year and shortfalls.

According to the presentation made by the Department of Finance, Economic and Enterprise Development, the bill caters for unforeseeable and unavoidable expenditures such as disasters that could have occurred in the previous financial year, emergencies, utilisation of unspent funds and the roll-over of unspent funds.

A total of R 33 billion is the adjustment made by the national Department of Finance, which has an additional R181, 698 million rendering for the equitable share and conditional grants. This does not include the financing from the provincial department and donations made to certain departments in the province.

Amounts allocated for the Department of Health, has set aside monies to pay for unfunded amounts of accruals, accumulated in the 2014/15 financial year and donation of R438m from Netcare for the two Emergency Medicine Registrar posts to be filled in the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda. The R828m donated by the Embassy of Japan is to fund more ambulances.

The Department of Community Safety will see a donation of R40million to erect weighbridges in the province from the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) to charge tow-trucks that have a certain weight that normally pass through some districts.

The Department of Public Works has received monies to deal with the backlog of upgrades of roads, which were not completed in the 2014/15 financial such as the road that travels from Ganyesa to Bona Bona.


Issued by North West Provincial Legislature