Nafcoc: Nafcoc on President Zuma resignation

15th February 2018

Nafcoc: Nafcoc on President Zuma resignation

Former President Jacob Zuma
Photo by: Reuters

The resignation of President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma yesterday night was momentous occasion for the country. His decision to step down has come as a relief in a situation that was bordering on social and political paralysis.

Furthermore, this development once again indicate the triumph, resilience and depth of our democracy and our constitution. Nafcoc would like to particularly thank President Zuma and pay tribute to him for taking this decision. He has demonstrated that despite his misgivings and disagreement with the decision of governing party which deployed him, he has placed the interest of the country above his own.

The time has now come to move on and attend to the urgent social and economic challenges at hand. In this regard Nafcoc, would like to implore new leadership of the governing party to move briskly to concretize the Radical Economic Transformation, address the Land question and eradicate poverty, inequality and joblessness that still prevails in the country.

It is our view that the incoming President and his team will place the interest of black persons upper most when they assume office.


Issued by National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and Industry