Mangaung Mayor ignores fresh produce market crisis

28th September 2023

Mangaung Mayor ignores fresh produce market crisis

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is concerned that the acting Executive Mayor of the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, Gregory Nthatisi, appears indifferent to the livelihood deterioration of the Mangaung Fresh Produce Market (FPM) under his leadership. Given the daily struggle of South Africans who go to bed hungry due to their inability to afford basic necessities or are forced to allocate the majority of their income to cover rising transport costs.

The FPM has long served as a vital revenue-generating asset for the municipality, playing an integral role in the economic development and prosperity of Mangaung. It significantly impacts the lives and livelihoods of thousands of farmers, agricultural industry workers, traders, agents, informal traders, and participants in the retail industry. Please see pictures here, here, here and here.

However, there has been a lack of budget allocation for its repair, maintenance, refurbishment, and necessary upgrades. The DA conducted a visit to the FPM, prompted by repeated reports of its alarming decline. During the oversight, we were met with resistance from management, who instructed us and the accompanying media to leave immediately.

Key infrastructure and equipment, such as cooling facilities crucial for safe produce storage and preservation, as well as the market's roof, are in a severe state of disrepair. This perilous situation has persisted for years, raising concerns that a health and safety audit by the Mangaung Environmental Health Division or Department of Labour would likely force the facility to close. Such a closure would devastate the livelihoods of countless informal traders and producers. Moreover, the failing infrastructure has led to frequent incidents that jeopardize the safety of employees and clients, with potentially life-threatening consequences.

We have brought these urgent matters to the attention of various municipal bodies, including the Planning Department, Mayor, Mayoral Committee Members (MMCs), Section 80 Planning and Development Committee, and the council. In December 2022, the Planning Department submitted an item addressing FPM challenges and proposing urgent solutions to the council. Regrettably, despite multiple requests and commitments, there has been no progress in bringing this item to the council or the relevant committees for discussion or oversight.

While political infighting and inaction plague the ANC leadership, other cities like Cape Town have successfully privatized market management while ensuring they serve local producers and traders. Some cities have established independent municipal entities with capable boards to manage and grow their markets. The optimal solution for the Mangaung FPM needs immediate consideration by the council. The DA firmly believes that any decisions regarding investment, ownership modification, management, or privatization must undergo an extensive public participation process, collaborating closely with the market's direct stakeholders.

The DA commits to exerting continuous pressure on Nthatisi and the Mayoral Committee to take accountability for the FPM's condition. To ensure a supportive role for provincial governments in municipal economic development, we urge voters to register to vote for a DA government in the Free State in 2024.


Issued by Tjaart van der Walt - DA Councillor Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality