Loeries recognises the outstanding work of young creatives

24th June 2015

Loeries recognises the outstanding work of young creatives

Young creatives make a huge contribution to the brands they work on as they bring with them their innovative insight and youthful outlook. The Loeries recognises and encourages their creative excellence with the Adams & Adams Young Creatives Award. 

Creativity is not only the domain of the experienced. In fact, the brand communication industry often relies on the talent and intuition of young people to provide the innovative spark that fuels the next big idea.

In recognition of this, the Loeries, - Africa and the Middle East’s biggest brand communication awards - holds the Young Creatives Award annually, which is open to entrants from the entire region.

The award, now in its ninth year has recognised 16 individuals who have gone on to become some of the country’s leading creatives.  The award is sponsored by Adams & Adams Attorneys and recognises the growing talent of those at the start of their careers, working in any area of brand communication. The two winners each receive a Loeries statuette and a cash prize of R50 000.

“Young professionals are the lifeblood of any industry, but in the creative professions, their participation, enthusiasm and willingness to try new things make them an indispensible part of the creative mix,” says Andrew Human, CEO of the Loeries.

“While the Loeries recognise the leading campaigns executed by the brightest stars in the brand communications industry, we also want to recognise the contribution made by young creatives in their fields, and hopefully encourage them to go on to do even greater things.”

Entrants to the Young Creatives Award must be under 27 years old and able to provide a portfolio of their professional work from the last three years that has been commercially exposed to a substantial audience.

“Knowledge of intellectual property (IP) rights is the key to the success of every creative. Adams & Adams is a strong supporter of young creatives in Africa, but believe that they need to be more aware of their IP rights and also alert their clients about protecting brands, logos, innovative packaging designs etc. IP rights can be a valuable revenue stream if licensed or sold.  African designers are often at the forefront of ground-breaking ideas and can compete with the best in the world and should consider protecting their work,” says Mariëtte du Plessis, senior partner at Adams & Adams.

“There is a wealth of young talent in the South African brand communications industry, and we believe that it is important to nurture this talent to grow the next generation of Loeries Grand Prix winners.”

Adams & Adams is committed to the creative industry and has sponsored the Young Creatives Award for the last four years and will continue to do so for another two.

For more information and a full list of the entry criteria and requirements, visit www.loeries.com