IFP: MB Gwala: Address by IFP MP, during the response to Sopa, kZN Legislature, KZN (01/03/2018)

1st March 2018

IFP: MB Gwala: Address by IFP MP, during the response to Sopa, kZN Legislature, KZN (01/03/2018)

The Honourable Speaker
Honourable Premier
Honourable Members of the Executive
Honourable Members
Namalungu omphakathi akhona phakathi kwethu

Ngike ngaluleka ezinsukwini ukuthi akumele umuntu ahlobe ngehlazo njengembuzi. Sibonile nje umbukiso obuwenziwe uvele ezinkundleni zombukiso kunconywa uMhlonishwa uJacob Zuma.

Somlomo ngiyathanda ukuzwakalisa ukungenami kwami mayelana nesihluku esikhulu kanye nonya oluyisimanga okukhonjiswe iqembu likaKhongolose ngokusingatha budlabha udaba lweNgonyama Trust. Iqembu likaKhongolose elithi akuqedwe iNgonyama Trust lase likhetha uMnu Kgalema Motlanthe ukuba alusebenze akaziqokanga yena.

Lies are peddled that the Ingonyama Trust Act came into being a secret deal between Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi and the former President FW de Klerk. The truth is that the piece of legislation was passed by the KwaZulu-Legislative Assembly of which I was present and participated in the debate in a broad day light after having robust discussions with Amakhosi and other stakeholders.

But it is shocking that the Legislature has all the recordings of former Natal Provincial Administration but decided to destroy the records of erstwhile KwaZulu Government including Hansard recordings because these are public records for the people to see. This is indicative that the ANC is hell-bent in trying to eradicate Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s legacy from history as he is the one who championed the issue of Ingonyama Trust.

During the KwaZulu-Natal government, the IFP was aware of the importance of land and sought to protect the lands which were left to the ownership of the Zulu Kingdom. The IFP did this by passing the Ingonyama Act so that land in traditional areas could continue to be administered according to indigenous and customary law. The IFP President, in his Online Newsletter of 6 July 2007, reminisced as follows:

“On 19 April, after the fateful intervention of my Kenyan friend, Professor Washington Okumu, I met with President FW de Klerk and Mr Nelson Mandela and, just one week before polling day, we signed the Agreement for Reconciliation and Peace.

“This agreement expressly stipulated that the institutions, the status and role of the Zulu King and the constitutional position of KwaZulu would be protected in the provincial constitution of KwaZulu Natal. We also secured a promise of international mediation to address these outstanding constitutional issues.

The agreement, despite Mr De Klerk's valiant efforts as Deputy-President, was never honoured”.

“There was an emergency sitting of Parliament to amend the interim constitution to make provision for the King of KwaZulu-Natal in the provincial constitution. An agreement was then signed which provided for a constitution to be drafted for KwaZulu-Natal as soon as possible after the elections. It was specifically indicated that the provincial constitution should make provision for the Kingdom of KwaZulu.”

Towards conclusion, Prince Buthelezi made the following observation:

“If the Zulu Kingdom is to survive, it must have its respective powers and functions recognised in and safeguarded by a provincial constitution. Such a constitution must accommodate not only the current monarch, but the monarchy as a whole and its constituting structures, i.e. the amakhosi. This, by the way, is not without precedence in Africa. Uganda is a republic like South Africa, but recognises its constituent three kingdoms.”

Kuyasixaka ukuthi kungani namhlanje uKhongolose ususembhidlangweni wokufuna ukwephuca amakhosi umhlaba kanye neNgonyama. Lokho kuwukuchukuluza Ingonyama uqobo.

We need you Hon Premier to display a will and commitment to pull the strings in the administration of the departments who are expected to provide quality service to our people on the ground. Therefore, there should be no cry babies in this House.

Ukwehluleka kwethimba lakho loNgqongqoshe Ndunankulu ukwenza umsebenzi kwenza ukuthi umphakathi ugcine ususibheca sonke ngobende inyama singayidlanga sibonakale njengabantu abayizehluleki noma abanenkohlakalo abangaphansi kwaleNdlu ehloniphekile.

Hon Premier you must deal decisively with issues of maladministration, corruption, incompetence and flouting of supply chain management procedures without fear or favour. Ngikusho lokhu Mhlonishwa Ndunankulu ngoba nasehhovisini lakho lapho uphethe khona kuye kwavela umbiko othi kukhona okudla amantshontsho emsamo mayelana nezisebenzi ezithinteka enkohlakalweni kaR23 million nokuyinto eyenzeke phakathi konyaka ka2012 kuya ku2016.

Bengilindele Ndunankulu ukuthi asicacisele ukuthi ziphi lezisebenzi ezisehhovisini lakho ezithinteka kulenkohlakalo? Abaxoshwe abasebenzi abenezinkampani ezihlomula ngamathenda kuhulumeni. Sicela ukwazi kuNdunankulu ukuthi bangaki abasebenzi asebethathelwe izinyathelo ngokwenza lokhu kanye nalabo asebexoshiwe, futhi lomkhuba uzowunqanda kanjani? As I alluded to this last time. iQembu leNkatha liphonsela uNdunankulu inselelo ukuthi akaqale ngezisebenzi zakhe ehhovisini aziphenye ukuthi indlela eziphila ngayo ihambelana yini nemiholo yazo uma ngemp ela ezimisele ukulwa nenkohlakalo.

When I hear the ANC saying it will eradicate corruption in government, it is like hearing Satan preaching from the Bible, as we know it will never happen. Just as the Good Book and Satan do not go together, anti-corruption and the ANC do not go together.

The IFP has a good track record of good governance since the erstwhile KwaZulu-Government. We are lucky to have leaders of high calibre like our President, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, Former Premiers, Dr Frank Mdlalose, Dr Ben Ngubane and Dr Lionel Mtshali. They performed very well in executing their duties.

Besilindele ukuzwa uMhlonishwa uNdunankulu echaza mayelana nokuthi kungani umbiko wenkohlakalo eyenzeka emnyangweni wezolimo ngonyaka ka2012 ungakanekelwa izwe kuze kube manje. Lunyathelelwani loludaba ekubeni ilinganiselwa kuR10 million imali eyakhwatshaniswa kubalwa nokuthengwa kwezimbewu zamazambane ohlelweni uMjindi Farming? Sithi lombiko awudedelwe unganyethelwa ukuze kuthathelwe bonke abathintekayo. Ngobani laba abavikelwayo kuloludaba?

Hon Premier mentioned that the only sustainable way to beat poverty is by creating opportunities for growth and jobs. I am very surprised that the Premier talks about jobs, because ANC government in history is a government with higher unemployment than when they took over from the IFP. How can he possibly suggest that it is better to have ANC government? The issue for many of us is the quality of jobs. The fact is that we now have people in employment who literally cannot fend off poverty. Many people are living in poverty. This is the quality of some jobs brought about this government.

Uma ufika ezibhedlela iziguli ziyabubula ngenxa yezinhlungu zilele emabhentshini ezinye zinikwa iPanado ziphindiselwe emakhaya noma zibonakala ukuthi ukhukho lumuka nomoya. Konakele ezibhedlela abanye abahlengikazi baqhuba intwala ngewisa abazazi kwakuthi ziyini iziguli.

The state of Education in KZN is nothing to boast about. Abaholi be-ANC babanjwe isamuku iSADTU. Uma lenyunyana ithi abagxume bona babuza ukuthi ngigxume kangakanani. Ndunankulu ngicela ungenelele odabeni lothisha abafundiswa isikhwama sikahulumeni iNational Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) kanye nalabo abafunda ngomfundaze womnyango iFundza Lushaka ngoba laba abafunde ngeNSFAS umnyango awubaqashi bona kodwa uqasha abeFundza Lushaka. Some schools in the rural areas are without running water and there is a critical shortage of desks, textbooks, overcrowding and good sewage system in schools in the poor communities.

Sikhathazwa kakhulu isenzo sokuthi uma kunezinkinga komasipala siyaye sibone kukhethwa iphela emasini ikakhulu kulabo masipala abaphethwe iqembu leNkatha. Omasipala be-ANC bayanabukeliswa batotoswe ngoba nakhu nje kunamacomrades okungamele axoshwe ngoba athola iphalishi ngokuba komasipala noma amemeza kakhulu uma kukhankaswa. Asiqine isandla komasipala abahluleka ukuphatha izimali ngendlela efanele.

Akusheshiswe uhlelo lokuhlinzekwa kwabantu abahlala emijondolo ngezindlu kanye nalabo abahlala ezindlini ezibizwa ngolindela ikakhululazi ngaphansi kukamasipala weTheku. Imali okuthengwa ngayo impahla yokwakha kabusha imijondolo esuke ishile akwakhiwe ngayo izindlu. Nasemakhaya abantu abanikwe izindlu. Akukuhle ukuthi imali ehlinzekelwe izindlu ibuyiselwe emnyangweni kaMngcinimafa (Treasury) ngoba ingasebenzanga komasipala ebihlinzekelwe bona.

Ukuthuthukiswa kosomabhizinisi abancane kumele kube phezulu eqhulwini ukuze bakwazi ukusimama ngokuthi nabo banikwe umsebenzi izinkampani ezinkulu ezisuke zithole amathenda. Sinxusa uNdunankulu ukuthi akajezise bonke abasebenzi abakuyoyonke iminyango kahulumeni wesifundazwe abasemshikashikeni wokubulala osomabhizinisi abancane ngokuthi bangabakhokheli ngesikhathi esiyizinsuku ezingamashumi amathathu. Asihambisani nendluzula yokuphazanyiswa kwezinhlelo zentuthuko iqeqebana lalabo abasuke befuna ukuhlomula ngenkani nabo ngemisebenzi yokwakha.

Sengiphetha ngiyafisa ukusho ukuthi Ndunankulu sizoba iphela endlebeni ziyokwahlulela ngemisebenzi yakho. Sizoba mehlomane sibheke ukunyathela kwakho. Ngiyathokoza.
