IFP: Do Your Part to Curb Road Carnage

22nd January 2019

IFP: Do Your Part to Curb Road Carnage

Transport Minister Dr Blade Nzimande

The IFP is alarmed at the current state of road safety nationally and urges all road users to take responsibility and join hands to curb the road carnage.

The road traffic crash statistics revealed by the Minister of Transport Dr Blade Nzimande serves as a wake - up call and should alter the way we, as a country view road crashes and the deteriorating road traffic safety standards. We should all be greatly concerned as this clearly illustrates that current efforts to address this growing pandemic are minimal and ineffective.

The IFP believes that changing people's attitudes towards speeding, drunk- driving and reckless road behaviour is crucial to significantly reducing the road carnages in our country. The scourge of road carnages are also a major drain to national resources due to the attendant costs involved.

The IFP is of the firm view that if patience and caution is exercised by all road users, we can reduce the carnages by at least half of the current reported statistics.

Government spends a great deal of money on road safety awareness programmes and other preventative campaigns but clearly this investment is failing in achieving the desired goal. There is also a need for private sector players such as those in the transport business to think seriously about the safety of their clients and appreciate the massive financial, legal and social implications road carnages have on their business.

We are also cognizant that the highest possible reductions in road casualties cannot be achieved by education and enforcement alone. There is therefore need for all stakeholders such as RTI and metro officers to always work together in all areas concerning road safety. Remedial education that works in tandem with enforcement will achieve improved road safety outcomes. The police, therefore , in this particular cause must focus on road users who pose the highest threat whilst responding appropriately to those offenders who have shown a momentary lapse of judgment or cares while driving.

The IFP believes that the country is in need of an intensive education campaign which involves all role- players. The IFP suggests that everyone be made aware of the rules of the road.


Issued by The IFP