IFP: Blessed Gwala says our country is being led into darkness and uncertainty

26th November 2014

IFP: Blessed Gwala says our country is being led into darkness and uncertainty

Photo by: Duane Daws

"Recent load shedding and impending water restrictions are the result of poor
planning and a lack of astute leadership by a government that has lost the
plot," said IFP National Chairperson, Mr Blessed Gwala.

"This government has clearly demonstrated that it does not have the capacity to
resolve the crisis that has led to many parastatals being dysfunctional. One
just has to look at the state of affairs at Eskom, Telkom, SAA and the Post
Office to name but a few, to realise that as a country we are being led into
darkness and despair by a government that lacks leadership and ability to
govern. Load shedding, water restrictions, non-delivery of mail, escalating
crime and large scale job losses are sending shivers of uncertainty into all
sectors of society and casts a gloomy picture as the festive season approaches.
Our government needs to ask itself: how can its citizens look forward to the
festive season when these dark clouds are hanging over their heads," continued,
Mr Blessed Gwala.

"In September this year Eskom applied to the National Energy Regulator of South
Africa and was granted permission to amend its load shedding protocol to reduce
damage to the economy. This means that residential areas will be affected to a
larger extent by load shedding. Whilst we can accept that, we need to protect
the economy, we need to consider the plight of those thousands of families who
depend on home industries and SMMEs that are situated in residential areas. We
have always encouraged people to follow the IFP-espoused value of self-help and
self-reliance and they have been successful in earning a decent living but now
there is uncertainty. This government must get its act together quickly and
instil confidence in its ability to govern this country", concluded Mr Gwala.


Issued by IFP