HETN: The HETN calls for radical change in historically white institutions

1st September 2015

HETN: The HETN calls for radical change in historically white institutions

The HETN notes with grave concern the recent revelations of racist
taunting and abuse of Black students at Stellenbosch University. This comes
against the backdrop of a multitude of racist incidents at several of the
historically white universities including the University of Pretoria, North-West
University and the University of Cape Town amongst others.
It is apparent that the racism which permeates these institutions is

It is also apparent that the racist culture at these institutions is not
capable of self-healing. Apart from systemic racism, the administrators
at several of the historically white institutions have become cocky and
brazen in their behavior. Two examples will suffice. The adoption of the revised
admissions policy at UCT – full with sophistry and smokes and mirrors,
which seeks to diminish the consideration of race in admission decisions. The
financial and transformation mismanagement at NWU are another example.

The HETN is of the firm opinion that the time has come for the DHET to
exercise bold leadership and abandon the lasses faire approach it has
adopted towards the historically white institutions. The DHET must take whatever
steps are required to exercise immediate control over the University of
Stellenbosch and other racist historical privileged institutions of higher learning.

Moreover, legislation needs to be passed, which gives the government and
the broader society the power to select members of the Senate, Council and
other governing structures at Universities and Universities of Technology. The
newly constituted governing institutions should reflect the broader sector of
society and not a self-perpetuating old boys network. The newly constituted
Senate and Council should be tasked with making and implementing progressive rules
and policies for admissions, hiring of faculty and promotions. We also urge
the DHET to adopt a Centrals Admissions Office to deal with all applications
and admissions to tertiary institutions.

Higher Learning institutions cannot carry on perpetuating a
retrogressive ethos, which is passed down to future generation of students by
self-preserving elite. Neither can institutions use the disguise of
language as a proxy to maintain racial exclusivity. Our constitution cannot mean
that under the guise of “academic freedom”, Higher Learning Institutions have
the right to maintain policies that perpetuate subordination and
marginalization of Black students, academics and personnel.

Government has battled with this matter for too long. The time has come
for the DHET to move with promptness and decisively dismantle racist
structures, which produce racist practices.

The DHET must also put into place structures that monitor and channel
the behavior of the administrators in a direction, which achieve positive
results in enhancing black academics. Anything less would constitute a failure
of leadership on the part of the government.
It is the view of the HETN that in order to achieve radical
transformation at the shortest possible time, the DHET needs to make a complete overhaul
and restructuring of the Branch.


Issued by The HETN