Gauteng: Premier Makhura welcomes Gauteng jobs growth

22nd November 2016

Gauteng: Premier Makhura welcomes Gauteng jobs growth

Gauteng Premier David Makhura
Photo by: Duane

Gauteng Premier, Mr David Makhura, has welcomed the increase in jobs created in the Gauteng province during the last quarter (July – September 2016). The Quarterly Labour Force results released by Statistics South Africa earlier today indicates that the Gauteng economy has created the highest number of jobs in the third quarter, with 126 000 new jobs created.

“We welcome this growth, it augurs well with our efforts to get our provincial economy to recover and grow in a way that is inclusive and creates jobs”, the Premier said. Ekurhuleni Municipality and the City of Tshwane recorded the largest job gains at 61 000 and 39 000 respectively. This represents 5.3% growth at Ekurhuleni and 3,2% in Tshwane. Johannesburg recorded 0.7% growth with District and local municipalities recording 1.9% growth combined.

Gauteng has 5 068 million people employed. According to the survey, the sectors that created the most jobs are the finance sector at 58 000; followed by retail and wholesale sector at 45 000; as well as the transport sector at 27 000. The construction sector also recorded 22 000 new jobs.

In the past two years, the Gauteng Government has engaged in a process to understand the economic potential of each region based on its unique features. This has resulted in the development of the Gauteng Economic Plan with sector specific strategies for growth. In June, an Economic Indaba was held with business, labour, and civil society to discuss growth and development strategies. The Indaba reiterated the importance of working together to drive reindustrialisation and growth.

Government committed to use the public procurement policy to decisively promote employment, empowerment, and local manufacturing. To address the scourge of youth unemployment, which is also reflected in the Quarterly Labour Force Survey, the Premier called on business to introduce initiatives that will give young people opportunities to enter the labour market. A partnership between the Gauteng Government and businesses exists, through a programme called Tshepo 500 000. The programme seeks to expose young people to training opportunities, entrepreneurship, and employment. It was agreed that this programme needs to be up scaled.

“We will continue with our programme of reaching out to business to build sustainable partnerships towards job creation and economic growth”, the Premier said.

Issued by Gauteng Provincial Government