Eskom: Stable electricity system enables plant maintenance

1st September 2015

Eskom: Stable electricity system enables plant maintenance

Eskom does not anticipate that there will be a need to load shed today as the power system is currently stable. However, the risk remains should we experience any extra load or faults in the system.

Eskom has met the country’s electricity demand while operating and maintaining its generation fleet in a sustainable manner for over three weeks.

We appeal to all our customers to continue to reduce their electricity usage throughout the day but to be aware of the need to save more during the peak periods from 06:00 to 10:00 and 17:00 to 21:00.

Commercial customers, particularly shopping centres and office blocks, can also make a big difference by switching off non-essential lights and not leaving office equipment such as photocopiers and computers in standby mode after hours.

Eskom will continue to provide regular updates on the status of the power system through all the media platforms.


Issued by  Eskom