Draft Education Charter (July 2016)

18th July 2016

Draft Education Charter (July 2016)

Equal Education hosted a Teaching and Learning Summit in Johannesburg, from 17 to 18 June, to mark the 40th anniversary of the student uprisings of 1976.

EE used this landmark moment to assess the progress which has been made in providing quality education for all, to look frankly at the challenges which persist, and strategise on a way forward. The summit convened discussions that covered school infrastructure, teacher training, curriculum development and delivery, school funding, early childhood development and the privatisation of education.

The summit was attended by over 200 Equal Education members, comprised of learners (Equalisers), parents, teachers and academics. Also in attendance were teachers’ union leaders, school governing body (SGB) members and government representatives. Over the two-day period, delegates engaged in robust dialogues with panelists including the Director of the Equal Education Law Centre, Nurina Ally; the Director of the Centre for Education Practice Research, Professor Elbie Henning as well as senior lecturer at Wits and Deputy Chairperson of the History Workshop, Noor Nieftagodien.

The summit concluded with the drafting of a Education Charter. The aim of the Education Charter is to capture the voices of a broad swath of South Africans in envisioning what a decolonised, equal and quality education system should look like. Once the Education Charter is finalised, it will be used to inform Equal Education’s future campaigns.

EE members all over the country will discuss the draft charter in youth groups and mass meetings make recommendations, before it is presented to the National Council for ratification in October 2016.

EE invites members of the public to submit their comments on the draft Education Charter to educationcharter@equaleducation.org.za