DoC: Freedom Park, The National Liberation Heritage monument exhibits at meetings Africa 2015

25th February 2015

DoC: Freedom Park, The National Liberation Heritage monument exhibits at meetings Africa 2015

Freedom Park’s Head of Public Participation, Mr Khorommbi Matibe is leading a team of marketing and outreach officials to Meetings Africa 2015 which commenced on 23 February 2015. The exhibition is taking place at Sandton Convention Centre. Freedom Park is amongst the many national and international exhibitors displaying their products at this prestigious annual event.

This exhibition could not have come at a better time, especially bearing in mind that in few weeks to come South Africa will be celebrating its 21st anniversary of its democracy.   Freedom Park has inscribed more than 80 000 names of our libation heroes and heroines on the Wall of Names.  Amongst these heroes and heroines inscribed being stalwarts like JB Marks and Moses Kotane whose mortal remains will be brought back to South Africa from Russia on Monday 02 March 2015.

“Freedom Park is an untapped liberation heritage gem yet to be fully utilised by all South Africans. The experience at Freedom Park changes lives. This Monument was proclaimed by Tata Madiba to honour the heroes and heroines of humanity and freedom and act as symbol for national reconciliation and nation building”, says Ms Jane Mufamadi- Acting CEO of Freedom Park.

Freedom Park is in a better position to narrate the rich liberation history of South Africa given its founding principles as a national memorial for humanity and freedom and the myriad of content gathered from all over the country, the African Continent and the world over. Freedom Park envisages soliciting solid partnership with buyers/tour operators especially now that the monument is in full operation. 

Freedom Park’s participation at Africa Meetings 2015, is opportune in that this national historic heritage monument has recently opened a state of the art museum called //Hapo.  //Hapo is a Khoi proverb meaning’ a dream. A dream is not a dream until it is shared by the entire community’.

Issued by the Department of Communications on behalf of Freedom Park