DH WC: MEC Nomafrench Mbombo on improved oral health in Breede Valley

17th March 2016

DH WC: MEC Nomafrench Mbombo on improved oral health in Breede Valley

Photo by: Bloomberg

Yesterday, the Western Cape Department of Health in the Breede Valley officially opened the Oral Health Unit situated at Worcester Community Day Centre (CDC).

The Oral Health unit, built at a cost of R5.8 million is aimed at improving the oral health of the community in Worcester and surrounds.

The unit, which was completed in the past few months, is conveniently situated at the Worcester CDC, an award winning facility.

The design and equipment at the facility ensure a pleasant experience for both staff and patients.

In addition to the new spacious waiting areas, bigger consultation rooms, sufficient storage areas and ample restrooms, the management of the unit has implemented an appointment system to improve patient flow. 

The result of an appointment system is that patients do not wait at the facility for an unnecessarily long period and that staff can improve patient/healthcare worker interaction because patients and their care is planned. Services delivered include extractions, preventative services: Sealing, cleaning and fissure repair and child oral health.

Minister Mbombo, Western Cape Minister of Health stated in her address, “I want to share with the staff in attendance, a home is only homely when it is comfortable and the homeowners are approachable; your facility is offering an exciting opportunity to make this space your home.”


Issued by Department of Health Western Cape