DA: Wilmot James: Address by DA Shadow Minister of Health, at a press briefing in which the DA’s alternative health plan was launched, Parliament (21/11/2016)

21st November 2016

DA: Wilmot James: Address by DA Shadow Minister of Health, at a press briefing in which the DA’s alternative health plan was launched, Parliament (21/11/2016)

Today the DA officially launches its alternative plan for universal healthcare in South Africa, which we have titled Our Health Plan (OHP). We believe our offer is the most credible and workable option that seeks to ensure that no person is denied quality healthcare because they are poor.

The DA’s mission, as a national government-in-waiting, is to build an inclusive society where everyone has access to the educational and economic opportunities necessary to get ahead in life. The very first step on this journey is to guarantee universal health care.

For too many South Africans, the circumstances of your birth determine your prospect to access life-saving healthcare. The current status-quo entrenches poverty and inequality and insults the DA’s core values of Freedom, Fairness and Opportunity for all.

This plan before us today is the result of extensive consultation with academic and industry experts, and we believe it is a much better offer than the national government’s plan, National Health Insurance (NHI). It can be rolled out sooner; it is far more affordable; it is fairer; and aspects of it have already been shown to work in practice.

Our Health Plan is also the most practical approach to universal healthcare, as it aims to keep what should be kept, fix what should be fixed, and smartly extend services that should be extended within the limits of the national purse.

Essentially, Our Health Plan ensures a comprehensive package of quality services within the public health system – free at the point of access to everyone, while retaining and reforming the medical aid system. For South Africans who have no medical aid, the reforms described below and in the full document will deliver improved service at clinics and hospitals, enhanced maternal and child care provision and access to efficient – and free at the point of service – emergency services in urban and rural areas. Those who are on medical aid will benefit from enhanced choice and greater access to more efficient – and free at the point of service – ambulance services.

While the full policy document puts forward our plan in extensive detail, here are some of the most salient proposals contained in Our Health Plan:

This entire plan is realizable within our current resource envelope meaning we can achieve universal healthcare for all, without requiring any new or additional taxes.  Hospitals under DA governance will be places where people are cared for and lives saved; not places where people go to be abused and to die.

Our Health Plan will provide a solid foundation on which South Africa can build an inclusive society.

NB: see attachments.