DA: Statement by Tim Harris, DA Shadow Minister of Finance, asserts that the DA will strengthen Youth Wage Subsidy and will not allow Cosatu to block it (22/09/2013)

22nd September 2013

The DA welcomes National Treasury’s tabling of a Employment Tax Incentive Bill to introduce a Youth Wage Subsidy.  We will work in the Standing Committee on Finance in Parliament to make sure a real, strong Youth Wage Subsidy is introduced as soon as possible to help young unemployed people.

It is not clear, however, that Cosatu will allow this bill to be passed given that Minister Patel’s Youth Employment Accord requires that any incentive needs to be "approved by all (Nedlac) constituencies”.

Reports in today’s papers quoting the Cosatu president and spokesperson do not bode well in this regard, especially considering that their organisation has successfully blocked the Youth Wage Subsidy for three and a half years. This cannot continue.

Furthermore, we are disappointed that this new version waters down the benefits of the Youth Wage Subsidy proposed over three years ago:

There are also numerous mistakes in the explanatory memorandum and the presentation to Parliament that suggest the bill was released in haste, before a long weekend, to catch Cosatu off guard.

These changes raise questions about whether the tabling of a watered down bill seven months before an election - with talk of a “sunset clause” - might be a cynical election ploy by the ANC to win votes, not create jobs.

We will not allow this to happen and will work in Parliament to introduce a real, strong Youth Wage Subsidy.