DA: Statement by Sej Motau, DA Shadow Minister of Labour, DA to continue fight against job-killing Labour Relations Bill (20/08/2013)

20th August 2013

The DA will continue its fight against the job-killing Labour Relations Amendment (LRA) Bill when it comes before Parliament for a vote later today.
This is the second time this bill will be before the House for a vote after the DA successfully blocked a vote on the bill during the last sitting of the House on 20 June 2013 – two months ago to the day.
The current version of the bill, following last minute COSATU-appeasing amendments to it by the ANC in Parliament’s Labour committee, will result in thousands of job losses.
A vote for this bill is a vote against South Africa’s poor and unemployed.

As it stands, there are two major flaws with the bill:

The DA believes that the democratisation of labour relations is the only way to address the underlying causes of union rivalry that has fuelled labour unrest in the mining sector – a sector that is shedding thousands of jobs as a result.

The DA will vote against this job-killing piece of legislation and do so knowing that we are acting on behalf of South Africa’s poor and unemployed.