DA NW: Eddie Barlow says DA lays charges against Minister of Water for violating the Constitution

28th July 2016

DA NW: Eddie Barlow says DA lays charges against Minister of Water for violating the Constitution

Water and Sanitation Minister Nomvula Mokonyane
Photo by: Duane

The DA in the North West has received ongoing complaints, ranging from dirty water to unbearable smells, from communities who live near the Crocodile River in Madibeng.

We approached a reputable laboratory to test the quality of the water flowing into the Crocodile river, following past incidences of raw sewage spilling into the river. The laboratory found that the water is not suitable for human consumption and poses a huge health hazard to the community.

The laboratory results revealed that the amount of E.coli bacteria present in the water at the time of testing amounted to more than 2419.6 units per 100 ml water. The acceptable minimum standard is 50 units per 100 ml water. It also showed that the Heterotrophic Plate count present amounted to more than 7380 units per 100 ml water, whilst the acceptable minimum standard should be less than 1000 units per 100 ml water.

The Madibeng Municipality is notorious for struggling to keep its sewage plants functioning optimally. On the 1st and 2nd of June this year, the pumps at the sewerage plant again malfunctioned, resulting in raw sewerage running down the streets of Brits.

Following the outcome of the tests, the DA in Madibeng yesterday laid charges against the Minister of Water and Sanitation, Nomvula Mokonyane, as well as the Administrator of Madibeng, for failing to provide access to clean water, as enshrined in our Constitution.

It is shocking to see how the ANC endanger the lives of residents and ignore their right to clean water.

This shows once again how uncaring and incapable the ANC have become. On 3 August the people of Madibeng can vote for the change they need by voting for the DA. A DA-run Madibeng will deliver better services to all.


Issued by DA North West