DA: Lebo More says premier Makhura ducks Constitutional responsibility

25th April 2018

DA: Lebo More says premier Makhura ducks Constitutional responsibility

Gauteng Premier David Makhura
Photo by: Duane

Despite portraying the ANC-led Gauteng Government as a people-centred body, Gauteng Premier David Makhura has shirked his responsibility when dealing with the complaints of Gauteng residents who have petitioned his government for better service delivery.

In reply to DA questions regarding the ANC government's responsiveness in dealing with petitions, Makhura simply brushed the question aside and indicated that petitions are dealt with by the Gauteng Legislature.

While the Gauteng Legislature receives residents' petitions, it then re-directs them to the relevant department as well as the Premier’s office.

It is highly unlikely that the Premier does not know anything about the petitions backlog, nor is it likely that he has no idea about what petitions have come past his office and the offices of members of his executive council.

Petitioning government is enshrined in the Constitution and is a mechanism by which residents can hold government accountable. Gauteng has its own Petitions Act which clearly spells out the importance of this tool.

The ANC in Gauteng may hide behind smiling billboards boasting about service delivery, but the truth is that thousands of complaints remain unsolved and there appears to be no appetite to resolve issues.

The DA will question each MEC as to the progress of petitions that have been submitted to them.

Accountability is critical to good governance, something which the ANC is dismissive of.


Issued by DA