DA: Andrew Louw says the cookie is crumbling

2nd July 2015

DA: Andrew Louw says the cookie is crumbling

Andrew Louw

The Democratic Alliance is shocked that Steven Jonkers is apparently
refusing to leave his office and had to be escorted from the premises
under police guard today. We request that the premier must launch an
immediate investigation into his actions.

We are told that he has still come to work yesterday and today,
signing documents and continuing as though it is business as usual.

This is despite the fact that the former head of department from
Transport, Safety & Liaison has not had his contract renewed and is no
longer supposed to be reporting for duty.

We welcomed the decision from the premier not to renew his contract,
given the many allegations he is facing. We have long been calling for
him to be removed from his position.

We also welcome the fact that the premier backed up her decision with
decisive action in having him removed from the premises.

We are concerned about the fact that the former head of department
refused to give up his departmental laptop, which is a tool of the
trade purchased by the taxpayers. We are also told that he was at the
offices until 19:00 last night. What was he doing at the office?

It does not appear that Mr Jonkers was trying to facilitate a smooth
transition for the acting head of department. It appears rather
suspicious that somebody who is no longer in the employ of the
department will continue to report for duty. If he feels that he was
treated unfairly, the labour courts are there to hear his complaints.

We believe that his actions must be investigated further.


Issued by DA