Brand SA: Brand South Africa introduces the Constitution to students from Georgia State University

12th August 2016

Brand SA: Brand South Africa introduces the Constitution to students from Georgia State University

Brand South Africa today hosted students from Georgia State University in the United States as well as the Bokamoso Youth Entrepreneurship and Mentorship programme in KwaZulu-Natal.

Brand South Africa’s engagement with students comes within the context of its mandate to manage the country’s reputation and position the South African nation brand as globally competitive.

In telling the South African story, Brand South Africa leveraged the 20th anniversary of the Constitution to host the students at the historic Constitution Hill which outlines the country’s journey towards being a constitutional democracy.

In addition, students were hosted at the Nelson Mandela Foundation where they were introduced to the former President’s efforts to ensure that South Africa would overcome its history and move towards non-racialism, non-sexism and equality.

Young people are important change agents and must be invested in to ensure they are able to play their part to strengthen the nation brand.  Equally important is for young people the world over to know the South African story which has been able to inspire the global community with its ability to embrace forgiveness and transcend a brutal past.


Issuued by Brand South Africa