ANCYL: Statement by the ANC Youth League, welcomes charging of Julius Malema and the EFF for assault (22/08/2014)

22nd August 2014

ANCYL: Statement by the ANC Youth League, welcomes charging of Julius Malema and the EFF for assault (22/08/2014)

Photo by: Bloomberg

The ANC Youth League welcomes the laying of assault charges against Julius Malema, Andile Mngxitama and the EFF. We fully support the investigation and shall mobilize support for our leadership that is being harassed by the EFF.  

As the ANC Youth League, we were shocked by the anarchy and violent behavior of EFF Members of Parliament earlier today. This small opposition party (of 8%), which failed to garner enough votes to get the relevance they wanted in parliament, has now resorted to trying to be the loudest voice. In their attention seeking efforts some of them may think that they are radical. The behavior seen in parliament today was not only disgraceful, but also violent.
South Africans cannot accept that Members of Parliament engage in physical attacks inside the gates of Parliament. The man-handling of one of our National Task Team members Bram Hanekom, by a mob led by Julius Malema is not just a very serious insult to South Africa but also a criminal act.
As disciplined members of the ANCYL, we will not retaliate or behave violently by attacking them, but rather utilize the South Africa criminal justice system to ensure they are held accountable for their actions. Adults should learn to control their tempers and not resort to violence; if they do they have broken the law and must be held accountable.