ANC: Zizi Kodwa says ANC welcomes CCIFSA and congratulates elected leadership

26th March 2015

ANC: Zizi Kodwa says ANC welcomes CCIFSA and congratulates elected leadership

The African National Congress welcomes the launch of the Cultural and Creative Industries Federation of South Africa (CCIFSA) earlier this week. The establishment of the Federation, bringing together the artistic community, creative industries and cultural sector personnel, is the first step to create a collective voice for the industry against exploitation and towards progression and economic liberation. We further congratulate the newly elected leadership led by Mr. Tony Kgoroge as President.

Since the dark days of apartheid repression, the South African artistic community and the creative industries have played a pivotal role mobilising society against discrimination, segregation and exploitation. Bold and decisive action such as the Cultural Boycott in the 1960s brought together local and international artists in fraternal solidarity against segregation and exploitation of the black majority in South Africa. Through artistic expression a new society was envisioned and a people made restless for change and progress.

More than half a century later, this spirit of collective action, self-reliance and the fight for self-determination across all endeavours continues to propel many in the sector today as they define our society, encourage its development and tells stories of its achievements and shortcomings. It is most unwarranted therefore that for too long many of our messengers of hope have not fully enjoyed the benefits of this society that have helped to shape.

The Freedom Charter says "the government shall discover, develop and encourage national talent for the enhancement of our cultural life;". We applaud therefore the President of the Republic of South Africa and the Department of Arts and Culture for heeding this call of the creative industry and thus working together with them to realise this platform. As the ANC we pledge our commitment to work with the CCIFSA to advance its objectives in pursuit of the realisation of its goal to grow the industry as an inclusive and key driver of economic growth and job creation.


Issued by ANC