‘Africa’s Development Narrative: What role for the Security Sector?’

19th April 2017

‘Africa’s Development Narrative: What role for the Security Sector?’

Between 17 and 19 March 2017, the Brenthurst Foundation, in partnership with the British Peace Support Team (South Africa), the Africa Center for Strategic Studies (Washington, DC) and the South African National Defence Force, gathered at Spier in Stellenbosch, South Africa, to discuss the role of the security sector in Africa’s development.

The participants included a mix of current and serving defence personnel, principally from Africa, but also Europe, the United States and Latin America; two former African presidents; ambassadors and international officials; business and industry representatives; and analysts.

Drawing on both thematic and country case studies, participants examined various ways the security sector in Africa can contribute to the continent’s development – and conversely, how it can impair progress, too.

This Discussion Paper reflects on the major themes which arose during the course of the dialogue and highlights some key gaps that merit further study.

Report by the Brenthurst Foundation