Affordable private schools in South Africa (August 2013)

5th August 2013

Private schools for the poor are a global phenomenon. In Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Colombia, Chile, India and elsewhere parents are deserting failing public schools and 'edupreneurs' are emerging to meet local needs. South Africa has a small but growing low-fee private school sector. 

The new CDE report, 'Affordable private schools in South Africa' reviews the scope, structure and accelerating growth of the low fee schooling sector. There are some significant new developments taking place bringing considerable investment and innovation into private schooling for the poor in the country. This increased growth raises the question of affordability and to whom.  CDE makes recommendations on how to increase access to private schooling by more and more poorer South Africans.

This report was written by a team including Jane Hofmeyr, Jeff McCarthy, Rebecca Oliphant, Stefan Schirmer and Ann Bernstein.