ActionSA Writes to Head of Water & Sanitation in eThekwini as Ward 35 is Left Without Water

21st September 2023

ActionSA has written to the Head of water and sanitation in the eThekwini Municipality, Mr Ednick Msweli, after ward 35, in the northern part of eThekwini, has been left without water for a number of days.

We have requested that he informs us of the challenges that have led to this crisis, and when does he anticipate that the challenges would have been resolved to restore water to the community.

After the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) released its water enquiry report on the state of water accessibility throughout the province, and the various challenges faced by many communities, it is concerning that such issues continue to dominate.

It is worth noting that although the SAHRC previously summoned all District Municipalities, requesting further information relating to water reports they had previously submitted to the Commission, eThekwini Municipality is one of 6 that failed to respond to the Commission's correspondence as well at the set deadline.

The nonchalant attitude from the Municipality to ignore calls from the Commission is a clear indication that the Municipality has little to no regard for the rights of the people of eThekwini, which have been violated.

We hope that these repairs will be carried out in a timeous manner, and the restoration of water is completed.


Issued by AfriForum