Accelerating Gender Parity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

26th July 2017

 Accelerating Gender Parity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The current moment offers a strategic win-win opportunity to proactively enhance gender equality and prevent widening gender and skills gaps. To navigate the uncertainties and new opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, all sectors need to increase diversity within their talent pools and their leadership.

In order to make the most of this moment for improving business performance in high-growth sectors and supporting progress towards gender parity at all levels of employment, it is critically important to understand the barriers hindering parity across distinct sectors and job families and to harmonise strategies for effectively overcoming these hurdles.

This paper explores the challenges and opportunities for enhancing gender parity in sectors likely to exhibit high growth in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and identifies key acceleration strategies by sector. Furthermore, it highlights examples of successful implementation through diverse and complimentary instruments to inspire action for rapid progress. It is the outcome of a Dialogue Series in the World Economic Forum’s System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Education, Gender and Work, drawing upon submissions by leaders and experts who engaged in the dialogue, as well as the latest thinking from international organisations, think tanks, businesses and other stakeholders.

Report by the World Economic Forum