7th Annual GovLaw Conference

13th March 2018

7th Annual GovLaw Conference -The annual law Conference for Government & SOE’s

Date: 29 & 30 May 2018 Venue: Burgers Park Hotel, Pretoria

“’On 17 November 2017 the Department of Labour published the National Minimum Wage Bill that is set to introduce a minimum wage of R20 for each ordinary hour worked from May 2018.

Businesses need to familiarise themselves with the National Minimum Wage Bill and the proposed amendments to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Labour Relations Act to ensure they understand how these legislative changes will impact their business in the new year.

This is according to Advocate Tertius Wessel, legal manager of Strata-G Labour Solutions, who says the approval of the National Minimum Wage Bill is expected to result in changes to other employment laws.’’ https://businesstech.co.za/news/business/215295/south-africa-has-proposed-newminimum-work-hours-here-are-4-other-labour-changes-you-need-to-know-about/

In light of the above ITC is hosting the 7th Annual GovLaw Conference. The Conference aims to discuss how best to encourage good governance within the public service in an effort to diminish instances of litigation. Special focus will highlight various case laws to allow practical application and understanding of precedent judgements.

Our research shows that some of the key talking points to be discussed include:
• Legislative review to gain better understanding
• Deliberating the legalities of administrative law to comply with PAJA
• Guiding the public sector on the basic human rights and obligations within the
• Saving the Government money spent in litigation through proper application of
• Guiding IT compliance with PAIA
• Debating if universities are organs of state to outline the pieces of legislation that speak to universities
• Implementing measures to improve good governance within Government departments

To add your unique perspective as a speaker, or to suggest a speaker let us know your views and comments, send an email to adair@intelligencetransferc.co.za

Diarise the above dates and be part of this annual objective platform as a delegate, speaker or sponsor

To register as a sponsor or exhibitor contact: yashik@intelligencetransferc.co.za